Continuing our walk along the coast, watching the whales & the dolphins play in the water, I managed this pic of one of our native bottlebrush . As an Aussie, I am ashamed to say I don't know much about our Australian native plants, but I think that may be about to change. I did know that there were differnt types of bottlebrush plants, but in my reading this morning, I have found out that there are many different types of bottlebrush. This one was only a small plant, whether small by nature, or small because of age I am not sure. It's leaves are different to the leaves that are on the bottlebrush on our nature strip. These leaves were much shorter, & consequently looked a little fatter, while the leaves of the one on our nature strip are much narrower & longer. How the flowers emerge are also different. The fine fillaments on this one emerge from a stem, while the fillaments of the one on my nature strip emerge from the base. Mmmmm...................... an interesting difference.
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